Rikishi from China  Location of China on map of the world

As of 2009 Aki Basho

Total number: 6 of 704

In KanjiFull shikonaFull original nameBirthdateHeyaFirstCurrent rankHighest rankPrevious shikona
千代白龍・光斗CHIYOHAKURYU KotoHaku Koto 1983.06.11.Kokonoe2004 HatsuEast Sandanme 70Sandanme 45Haku
華瀬川・晃HANASEGAWA AkiraCheng Songsong 1984.12.17.Kiriyama2004 HaruWest Sandanme 62Sandanme 60Shosho
高世・強KOSEI KoShiqiang Gao 1985.09.18.Azumazeki2003 KyushuEast Sandanme 8Sandanme 8 
仲の国・将NAKANOKUNI ShoLu Chao 1983.09.17.Minato2002 NagoyaWest Makushita 6Makushita 3 
龍帝・衛福RYUTEI WeifuLi Weifu 1986.06.02.Nishonoseki2004 HaruWest Sandanme 69Sandanme 3 
蒼国来・栄吉SOKOKURAI EikichiOnwa Tofushin 1984.01.09.Arashio2003 AkiWest Makushita 1Makushita 1Sokokurai

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