Sumo Newsletter

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  If you want to get information about changes on the Sumo Page, send me a message and I add your address to my distribution list.

  Your comments and recommendations are welcome, too.

I'd like if you would inform me about your updates.


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                  Volume 4, No. 5. April 8, 2001.
  Countries of distribution: Argentina, Austria, Chile, France,
 Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands,
          Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA

Hello Bandey!

------------------- CHANGES ON SZUMO.HU  -----------------------------

I  am  sorry  for the big delay, but this week I simply could not find
more  time  for  making the updates. I hope I can do them in a shorter
time after the May Basho.

Result of the March Tournament, positive and negative results are marked
with colors (as usually).

Two  maegashira  beat  Yokozuna,  so  there  were  some changes on the
Kinboshi List as well.

List  of the tournament winners (my own happiness that my favorite #1b
can be listed here already the second time! :))

And  of course all individual pages of participants of the March Basho
can be seen at

A  new  thing that you can see a summary of results on the top of each

If  you  are  uncertain about shikona changes, you probably may take a
look at Shikona Change Page of my friend Moti at

-------------- A REQUEST ---------------------------------------------

You  probably  noticed  that  ""  can  be found on three sites
actually.  It  is  because  the  provider where we got the disk space,
didn't  give  much  bandwith, so the site could not be accessible from
abroad.  They  promised  to change the situation from the beginning of
April, but naturally I can't really check if this is true or not. So I
wish to ask you to make a small test for me. Please click on the links
below  and  inform  me  if  you  found  the  page  downloading slow or
relatively fast. Many thanks in advance.

(and possibly on the links from there).


Banzuke  of the May Tournament (Natsu Basho) will be released on April
25. The tournament itself will be held between May 13 and 27.


Any suggestions, ideas, critics are welcome.

@                   Sumo Site:                  @
@                Any financial support is appreciated                @
@            I have sent this newsletter to 34 subscribers           @

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