Rikishi born in 1973
As of 2009 Aki Basho
Total number: 2 of 704
Birthdate | In Kanji | Full shikona | Full original name | Birthplace | Heya | First | Current rank | Highest rank | Previous shikona |
1973.02.24. | 栃の山・博士 | TOCHINOYAMA Hiroshi | Yamada Hiroshi | Tokyo | Chiganoura | 1995 Hatsu | West Makushita 42 | Makushita 2 | |
1973.04.17. | 海鵬・涼至 | KAIHO Ryoji | Kumagai Ryoji | Aomori | Hakkaku | 1996 Hatsu | East Juryo 11 | Komusubi | [Mta Tsukedashi 60] |
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